Personal Loan Special

Empower your financial aspirations now. Realize nearly any dream, goal, or plan with our Personal Loan Special, starting at just 10.49% APR.* Borrow up to $10,000. 

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Unsecured Loans

  • Financing for any personal need in your life
  • Includes a competitive rate and flexible terms
  • No collateral needed to access
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Secured Loans

  • Secure form of financing that’s backed by your savings
  • Amount matches whatever savings you use as collateral
  • Also helps improve or rebuild your credit score
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Debt Consolidation Loans

  • Simplify your outstanding debt by bundling it with IFCU
  • Potentially lower your rate and only make one payment a month
  • Speeds up how quickly you pay off your debt
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Student Loans

  • Finance your higher education goals affordably
  • Powered by our partners at Sally Mae®
  • Variety of options available for both undergraduates and graduates
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